Expert Teardown – We disassemble your product to optimize your fasteners
Lower Total Cost of Ownership - reduce assembly times - gain fastener know-how - reduce the number of different parts
One single screw can have a tremendous effect! Discover the unexpected potential of your products by concentrating on the fasteners and joints.
Having the best fastening solution is crucial for your success and the product life cycle costs (LCC). Go for the best in terms of cost and safety. Bossard experts disassemble your product into its single parts and fasteners. Analyzing the interface complexity, our technical specialists examine every inch to understand the functionality and to find cost saving potentials and quality and reliability improvements.
Expert Teardown - How does it work?
Benefit from the Bossard Expert Teardown service and optimize your existing fasteners. Choose from three different service packages:
Product Analysis
A systematic analysis of the used fasteners and the possible assembly technique in your product.
Value Analysis
Initial findings of improvement potential and estimation of cost savings.
Advanced: Basic services plus
Technical verification
Verification of process, estimation and projected results.
Proven procedures: on-/ offsite verification of recommended solutions.
Presentation of Proposals
The proposal with results will be submitted in a technical report and presented in a presentation. Physical samples will be provided.
Superior: Basic and advanced services plus
Implementation Plan
Detailed design specification and documentation of the new assembly solution.
Support during production implementation
Assembly and usage instructions Support R&D engineering team during implementation phase.