Smart C-parts management
Customer and task

Customer benefits

"We have gained space in the production area, relieved resources of time-consuming activities and significantly reduced the tied up capital. In addition, Bossard offers an online portal which serves to record inventories and to compile reports. The decision to collaborate with Bossard as our partner in the field of C-parts management has proven to be very beneficial for us."
The intelligent SmartBin reduces the storage value, optimizes the turnover rate and reduces internal costs by up to 60 %. Out-of-stock situations are avoided and thus ensures the reliability of the production process. The provision of goods takes place directly at the place of extraction, in the production section. Active communication during the launching phase is an indispensable prerequisite for the proper functioning of the logistics system. In this phase, Bossard performs a range analysis, prepares the product data and sets the system parameters. Bossard estimates that a period of several weeks is required for the implementation before the system can be put into operation.