Verbus Tensilock® screws and nuts were the first products with locking teeth design in the market. This mechanical design combines three safety features lock, spring and clamp, which ensures a performant anti-loosening result. When the fastener is tightened, the locking teeth are embedded into the component and produce a positive locking effect that must be overcome before loosening can occur The advantage of this retention method is that it is integrated into the screw or nut and can therefore not be forgotten.
Verbus Tensilock® – Mechanical locking surface
- Applications
- Features

Verbus Tensilock® with its high preload force protects the fastened elements against dynamic stress and the loosening issue from it, especially in critical applications such as chassis or powertrains.

- No setting time
- Less penetration of the counter-part
- Stable tightening results
- Reliable securing connection
- Suitable for elements with adjustable components
- Different head styles
- Dimension from M5-M16 for both screws and nuts