Unlock the full potential of your assembly process
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ELAM solutions 

With Smart Factory Assembly solution, you can easily and quickly transform your shop floor into a smart and connected work environment.

  • Digitize work instructions, checklists and quality protocols
  • Connect IoT devices
  • Create smart and dynamic workflows
  • Get real-time data


Request a free 30-day trial account 




Smart Factory Assembly Solution - ELAM

ELAM Solutions is an all-in-one solution that simplifies the assembly process while increasing productivity. It provides a variety of functions, including digital work instructions, worker guidance, traceability, and real-time production tracking, all designed to improve the quality of your products. Additionally, ELAM Solutions can connect to a wide range of IoT devices that can be embedded in the flow. With seamless connectivity and advanced data management features, ELAM Solutions ensures that your entire operation runs more reliable and agile.



Easy to create workflows and digital instructions

ELAM Flowchart
  • Simulate and test workflows
  • Reduce errors in the assembly process
  • Help beginners and support professionals with user-friendly guidance
  • Increase productivity and optimize processes
  • Integrate logic into your workflow based on operators' feedback






Connect Tools & Devices to your workflow

  • Operate guiding devices such as pick-to-light systems
  • Connect smart fastening tools to support workers select the right torque
  • Integrate measuring devices, scanners, sensors and cameras

Create transparency with a Quality & Operations dashboard

  • Identify areas for improvement in your operations
  • Trace the quality of your products
  • Achieve transparency in the assembly process
  • Make decisions based on real-time data
  • React with flexibility and agility



See What You Can Achieve With Us

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Who are our customers...

Our solution is ideal for companies with manual assembly processes who are interested in digitizing their shop floor.

This includes manufacturing companies of all sizes, from SMEs to enterprises.

Contract manufacturer

Contract manufacturer

Hydraulic pneumatic systems

Hydraulic pneumatic systems

Medical industry

Medical industry

Mechanical industry

Mechanical industry


Our team is ready to answer your questions

Experience the transparency, efficiency and reliability of Smart Factory Assembly and take your assembly process to the next level.

Contact us today to learn more and schedule a free appointment with our experts.

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