Za zapletenejša opravila visoke natančnosti ali z zelo visoko stopnjo monotonije lahko podpora s strani kolaborativnih robotov (kobotov) razbremeni zaposlene in poveča produktivnost.
Prednosti uporabe kolaborativnih robotov:
- Povečana produktivnost z vzporednim delom
- Zmanjšanje napak na minimum
- Procesno-varen odnos do natančnosti
- Preprečevanje monotonije pri delu zaposlenih
Integration of collaborative robots
Cobots are controlled by the system, similar to the way a screwdriver works. The programs are taught and programmed via the robot's software. The Cobot receives the signal for the work to be carried out in the corresponding work step. If you are interested in the integration of collaborative robots in your production, we would be happy to advise you.
Contact us for a first non-binding conversation.