Completion of capital increase
三月 22, 2013
Not for release, publication or distribution in the USA, Canada, Japan or Australia.
Bossard Holding AG has successfully completed the capital increase of 665,000 new bearer shares with a nominal value of CHF 10 per share. The new bearer shares have been offered at a subscription price of CHF 100 for each new bearer share to the existing holders of bearer shares. The net proceeds in connection with the capital increase after deduction of transaction costs and taxes will be approximately CHF 79.9 million. This includes the issue of the new bearer shares, the issue of the 675,000 new registered shares with a nominal value of CHF 2 per share, which were fully taken up by the majority shareholder at a subscription price of CHF 20 per new registered share, and also the proceeds resulting from the sale of the subscription rights to bearer shares, held by Bossard Holding AG as own shares.
99.32 percent of the subscription rights to bearer share were exercised. Bearer shares which were not acquired in the course of the offering were successfully sold on the market. Start of trading of the 665,000 new bearer shares on the SIX Swiss Exchange will be March 25, 2013. Delivery of the new bearer shares, against payment of the subscription price of CHF 100 per new bearer share, will take place on March 27, 2013.
Bossard Holding AG plans to use the net proceeds in connection with the capital increase to pay off the existing interim financing used for the KVT acquisition.
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