Bossard Americas celebrates Grand Opening of Silicon Valley Design Center
五月 02, 2017
Milpitas, CA - Bossard Americas proudly opened the doors to the Bossard Design Center (BDC) in Milpitas, California. This facility is the first of its kind and as a result has been highly anticipated by suppliers and customers alike.
The BDC is a 10,000 square foot facility focused on finding and designing the right solutions for the customer. This new investment is aligned to help all the way from design to testing on a final assembly. This full service offering starts with a 1,500 square foot seminar space for up to 85 participants. Customers are then engaged with hands-on experience with a wide variety of fastening solutions as well as installation practices. In addition to that, Bossard also offers a well-rounded testing environment. This includes the ability to test and study coefficient of friction data on a state of the art SCHATZ ANALYSE machine, as well as additional torque/tension data with additional information. The BDC also has the equipment needed to run complete vibration testing to simulate what happens in a bolted joint under varying degrees of vibration.