
- 減少供應商
- 專業諮詢
- 全面性的工程服務
- 穩定的品質
- 智慧的B、C類零件管理
- 藉由自動化的訂購流程,可確保最高的供應可靠性
- 靈活的發貨數量
- 減少庫存,提高自由資金
Overview extrusion parts
Breaker bolt M 30 x 120 mm, head 50 x 50 mm, hot forged
Positioning pin ø 6-h11 x 30 mm, 8.8 grade steel, extruded
Adjusting bolt M 6 x 46 mm A4 grade stainless steel
Fixing bolt M 6 x 11 mm with internal and external hex, 8.8 grade steel
T-head bolt, M 20 x 145 mm, forged steel
Pin with square end, M 5 x 68 mm, W13 mm, 8.8 grade steel
Double bolt ø 18 x 47 mm, steel
Thin shank bolt M 8 x 80 mm, 8.8 grade steel
T-Bolt M 6 x 62 mm, b 48 mm, A2 grade stainless steel
Overview turned and milled parts
Retainer ø 73 x 25 mm, stainless steel
Slider L 40 x 30 mm, aluminium alloy, anodised black
Valve nut ø 33 x 14 mm, stainless steel
Connector L 170 x 24 mm, aluminium alloy
Lever L 50 x 34 mm, vibration polished, aluminium alloy
Coupling ø 25 x 65 mm, stainless steel
Bearing ø 30 x 45 mm, brass
Bushing ø 62 x 68 mm, stainless steel
Collet ø 12 x 9 mm, copper-plated brass
Plastic flange ø 31 x 30 mm with inch thread, PMMA
Washer ø 80 x 19 mm, aluminium alloy
Procure ready-assembled and tested assemblies in the desired packaging.
Detection pin (Number of components: 4; Dimensions: L = 32 mm; Materials: Stainless Steel/Plastic)
Slider (Number of components: 3; Dimensions: L = 30 mm; Material: Stainless Steel)
Door ramp (Number of components: 16; Dimensions: L/B = 850 mm/330 mm H = 160 mm; Materials: Stainless Steel)
Pull button (Number of components: 7; Dimensions: L = 150 mm; Materials: Stainless Steel A4/Plastic/Rubber/Brass)
除了組件,我們還製造套件。Bossard 為您提供種類繁多的組件套件,這些組件根據您的規格進行準確計數、整齊包裝和貼標籤或印刷。
Accessory kit (Number of components: 20; Specialty: welded, coloured bags, mounting instructions included)
Mounting kit (Number of components: 24; Specialty: 12 variants)
Mounting and accessory kits
您想提高過程可靠性並降低連接的總體成本嗎?Bossard 提供超過 150 種不同的塗層和表面處理。腐蝕保護、摩擦係數優化、外觀、耐磨性—各式各樣的應用。我們的專家可以幫助您為您的產品選擇正確的解決方案。
功能性塗層是用於機械應力緊固元件(例如: 螺絲和螺帽)的系統解決方案。這些塗層類型使用不同的應用程序進行應用。根據塗層,它們可以承擔鎖定、固定或保持/密封功能。
Surface treatment - ecosyn®-lubric Black/Silver high-performance dry lubrication
Surface treatment - Bossard Coating CD 586 (ColorDesign)
Surface treatment - Bossard Coating AF 573 (AntiFriction)
Surface treatment - Bossard Coating CL 048/049 (CleanLine)
Mechanical finishing treatment - Shortening
Mechanical finishing treatment - Thread-cutting
Mechanical finishing treatment - Drilling of fastening and split-pin holes
Mechanical finishing treatment - Turning of thin shanks and grooves
Functional coating - TufLok® / Nytemp® thread locking patch
Functional coating - Nystay® fixing coating
Functional coating - Nyseal®/ Nyplas® under-head coating