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Chuỗi cung ứng của bạn được số hóa như thế nào? Hãy làm bài kiểm tra chuỗi cung ứng kỹ thuật số!

Digital Supply Chain

Công ty của bạn có cần cập nhật kỹ thuật số trong chuỗi cung ứng không? Bài kiểm tra trực tuyến miễn phí này sẽ tiết lộ mức độ số hóa hiện tại của công ty bạn trong chuỗi cung ứng của bạn.

Nhưng đó chưa phải là tất cả! Kết quả cũng sẽ cho biết bạn có thể cải thiện ở đâu để đạt đến mức độ số hóa tối đa nhằm đạt được năng suất cao hơn và tiết kiệm chi phí hơn. Kết quả sẽ chứng minh rằng công ty của bạn có thể tăng lợi nhuận lên tới 60% cũng như năng suất cao hơn. Bạn đã sẵn sàng cho sự thay đổi kỹ thuật số?

Trước khi bắt đầu kiểm tra, Bossard muốn cam kết rằng chúng tôi tôn trọng quyền riêng tư trực tuyến của bạn và chúng tôi sẽ không sử dụng thông tin cá nhân của bạn vào mục đích khác.

1. Does your supply chain strategy involve goals concerning Industry 4.0 / digitization?

Our company is currently not a suitable candidate for implementing digitization.
Our company is planning to obtain a more digitized supply chain.
Our company is currently working on turning our traditional supply chain into a digital supply chain with Industry 4.0.
Our company has a digital supply chain and its goal is to be up-to-date with digital innovation. 

2. How does your company work with supply chain information processing?

Our company manually records general supply chain information and only needs basic goods delivery information.
Our company is beginning to collect Big Data about our supply chain activities, but can’t exploit it to the fullest. 
Our company receives useful Big Data, but we are still working on an efficient Big Data analytics system in order to reach maximum output.
Our company has an efficient analysis tool for real-time Big Data that enables improved supply chain predictability and efficiency. 

3. Are all your supply chain systems connected to one software program?

At the moment all our supply chain systems and applications work individually and manually. 
Our company is currently trying to operate all systems using one main software program.
Some supply chain systems are partly connected.
All smart systems are connected to one main supply chain platform.

4. How is your workforce preparing for ongoing digitization?

Because our company is not digitized yet, our workforce is not receiving any digital training at all.
Our company offers external training courses, but they are still not part of our HR department. 
We offer in-house digital training, but it is not mandatory.
Our company invests in digital skills training because it will have long-term rewards. This training is part of our corporate values.

5. How does your company contribute to digital innovations?

Our company holds on to their own established traditional standards. 
Our company adapts to innovations, but we prefer not to completely redesign elements in our supply chain.
Our company tries to adopt innovative solutions as early as possible to stay ahead of the competition.
The aim of our company is to adapt and/or launch the newest supply chain innovations.

6. Is your company using appropriate Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) with the aim of manufacturing only the necessary products to avoid losses or unnecessary storage expenditures?

Our company is not familiar with ERP and focuses more on mass production.
Our company tries to react to customer specifications and is aware of the importance of ERP integration. 
Our mass-customization approach is that almost all production is made-to-order in response to customer requests and requires complete process integration with ERP. 
Our supply-chain digitization with ERP enables us to be very responsive to customer demand.

7. How would you describe your supply chain process model in terms of digitization?

Our processes are mostly paper-based and we employ a push-based strategy where manufacturers produce goods and push them through the supply chain without receiving proper feedback and information regarding any requirements or specifications.
Some areas of our supply chain are digitized to some extent, but we still aren’t seeing a big improvement in terms of maximizing productivity. Furthermore, we still have gaps between supply and demand, which leads to shortages or waste of produced end-products.
Every in-house supply chain process is digitized. However, the final stage of the process is still paper-based and we believe that there is still hidden potential in our supply chain management process. 
Our company has a strong digital network across the entire supply chain that delivers cost savings and higher profitability. We use highly intelligent systems and solutions.