Thank you for taking this next step with me to assist your company with it's C-Part requirements. Bossard is much more than a planned needs distributor. We're uniquely positioned to be a partner and a resource for an easily overlooked yet very important aspect of your manufacturing, No other component can have as much impact on your assembly operations as fasteners in Design for Manufacturability, cost control and preventing a Line-Down situation.
Beyond the initial cost of the fastener, the hidden cost of the entire fastening ecosystem of development, procurement, testing, inventories, assembly and logistics make up 85% of your Total Cost of Ownership in C-part inventory.
Bossard has a range of solutions designed to reduce costs according to the TCO concept in fastening. We call these range of services Assembly Technology Expert and Smart Factory Logistics and by leveraging Bossard's experience in the industry, cost savings of 50% and more can be achieved in the areas of logistics and engineering. Take a look at how Bossard can add value to your assembly operations, and when you're ready to reduce your TCO simply book an appointment with me with the booking link on this page. I'll be happy to discuss any solutions that may be of service to you.

Bossard Assembly Technology Expert services identifies potential optimization areas for higher productivity, resulting in up to 80 % shorter throughput times and ensuring competitive edge for our customers.
The market is constantly challenging companies to come up with something new. It gets more and more essential to shorten throughput times, to reduce manufacturing costs and to accelerate innovation cycles. To get ahead in this environment, Bossard is the right partner for you.
Bossard Assembly Technology Expert is a comprehensive service for design and process optimization focused on boosting manufacturing productivity and lowering total cost of ownership (TCO) using value stream analysis. You receive a customized report containing concrete recommendations for action.
Thanks to our many years of experience and cooperation with production facilities around the world, we have broad know-how and even broader do-how along the value creation chain. We are your competent partner from the tailor-made concept to successful implementation in the market. If you would like a value stream analysis focused on fastening technology, and identify optimization potential in your design and production process, I would love to talk to you and review your BOM.
Book an appointment with me today!
Best Regards,
We design costs away
Did you know that nearly 50% of all the individual parts of your products are fastening elements?
Based on value stream analysis, Bossard Next Generation identifies potential optimization areas for higher productivity and shorter throughput times. This ensures your competitive edge for the next generation of your products.
Value stream analysis leads to your success
In your running production and assembly, we conduct a value stream analysis focused on fastening technology, and identify optimization potential in your design and production process for the next generation of your products.
We provide you with an analysis report containing value stream mapping and specific recommendations for action.
It's all about execution
Bossard Next Generation is unique, guiding you from concept to implementation.
As a reliable partner, Bossard not only uncovers your company's potential for optimization, but also has the expertise, tools and proven solutions in implementing the results of the value stream analysis. Together, we can achieve higher productivity and lower total cost of ownership (TCO).
Project partnerships
With these companies we already have successful partnerships and running projects for Bossard Next Generation: