TAPTITE 2000® is a thread-forming screw with outstanding mechanical, fastening and ergonomic characteristics. The new version has an innovative new thread design – the Radius Profile™ Thread. The proven TRILOBULAR® principle is maintained while incorporating the beneficial thread design. TAPTITE 2000® fasteners reduce the overall joining costs by eliminating machining operations.
Taptite 2000® – Thread-Forming in Metals
- Applications
- Features

High-strength pre-tensioned bolted connections with economical assembly for industrial requirements for process-safe assembly.
- Automotive engineering/chassis engineering
- Plant and mechanical engineering
- Vehicle engineering
- Transport system construction
- Rail vehicles
- Engine mountings
- Supporting structures, etc.

Using TAPTITE 2000® ensures that in metal-joining applications, you can eliminate work processes such as forming and the use of additional fastening elements. The trilobular™ cross-section geometry of the shaft of the screw ensures that the thread is chiplessly formed, so that if a repair is needed it can accept a conventional threaded screw.
- Low forming torque
- High vibration resistance
- High pre-load forces
- Low end-load
- High assembly reliability
- Resist internal thread stripping
- Excellent axial alignment
- Results in higher strength internal threads due to the cold flow/work hardening that occurs during the forming of the nut thread